Discover the Stories of Cuba:
Painted on Canvas
The Journey of Art Collecting in 3 steps:
Discover: Explore our carefully curated art collection, and note the artworks that catch your attention.
Pro-tip: We have hundreds of works to choose from; it can be overwhelming, so our suggestion is to scroll through the work and if something catches your eye, add it to your shopping cart, then after you’ve gathered enough options go to the shopping cart and have a closer look at each artwork, this is where you're meant to take your time. Ask yourself how they make you feel - why did it catch your eye? Then narrow the selection down to three or less and move onto the next step.
Connect: Give those attention grabbers a closer look, click on them, and read about their stories provided on the page.
Pro-tip: Note the artists' names whose works captivated you the most then visit our blog to read about their story, and watch them create and express their passion through our professionally produced videos. Identify the moments in your journey of connecting that most resonate with you. Then return to the selection of works you stored in the shopping cart, and keep the ones that resonated the most with you.
Experience: Remove from the cart the ones that don’t inspire your heart, mind, and aesthetic — for those that do, Click Buy.
Pro-tip: One thing we tell many of our collectors that are having a tough time deciding what to get, is to ask themselves the following question: “If I moved tomorrow, would transporting this artwork stress me out, or is it so essential that I wouldn't think twice?” If you’re so inspired by the artwork that you can’t think of yourself without it then it was meant for you to have.